This season of Shameless has been a roller coaster for the Ghallager’s. Frank got a job, lost it and smuggled people to Canada for a while, Fiona hooked up with a man whose seeds were planted in a lot of women and had a lot of exes. She was also sued for 6 million dollars and almost lost her house and car. Lip lost his favorite Professor, stopped drinking and finally got back with Sierra. Ian became the “Gay Jesus”, Debbie started welding and then lost her toes and Carl got married to a psycho. Yes, Kassidi is insane. I almost forgot about Kev, V & Svetlana. At the beginning of the season, Kev found his long lost family but they were Red Necks and racists, so V didn’t want Kev to have anything to do with them. They also got Svetlana arrested but helped her get out only if they get back their 50% of the bar. Towards the end of the season, they started searching for a rich old man for Svetlana so when he dies, she’ll get all his money. How crazy can these people be?? They were finally victorious at the end of the season with Svetlana marrying the old man.
I’ll admit, one of the best decisions they made was adding Isidora Goreshter who plays Svetlana to the cast. She’s one character that never fails to make me laugh and she’s so good with her role. By the end of the season, the humor comes to a halt and the tone got a bit serious. This family is a very dysfunctional one and at least one person gets arrested or ends up in a lot of trouble when the season ends and it was no different with season 8. The most hilarious part of this season was the fact that Liam was present during some of the most messed up things. He was present at the cemetery, witnessed Kassidi and Carl have sex and almost helped his sister, Debbie, cut off her toes.
I actually thought Fiona was going to be stupid and give up her apartment building to see the world with Ford but thankfully she didn’t. She was also able to smoke the squatters out of her apartment and make them drop the lawsuit. The most awkward part of this season was Lip being caught in the middle of Sierra and Charlie. Lip is my favorite Gallagher and I always wish he would make smarter decisions. He really went through so much this season with his mentors and then, the death of his beloved Professor. Lip always ignores his own problems and focuses on girls or trying to help someone but the fact that he admitted to Sierra that he wasn’t in love with her was a step in the right direction because the whole situation became too toxic. I wish they would give Jeremy Allen White an Emmy for this role because he clearly deserves it.
Fiona & Lip were the only ones who “matured” a bit this season. Debbie lost three toes and almost lost her daughter again to her evil in-laws and Carl finally let his crazy wife, Kassidi go and I’m so excited about that. Sammi Hanratty plays Kassidi so well!!! She nails every single scene. Is this the last we’ll see of her? She might come back next season to stalk and possibly try to kill Carl. Nothing pissed me off more than “Gay Jesus”. Ian basically threw everything he had worked for out of the window with him being arrested along with a bunch of his followers. He was trying to help at risk kids but he took it to a violent level.
Frank hatches up a plan with Liam to steal from Dylan’s house. The code doesn’t work when Frank breaks in and the alarm goes off. He grabs as much stuff as he can, gets chased by the cops and ends up in shit. Literally. Frank’s relationship with Carl is really hilarious to watch. The season ends with the rest of the Gallagher kids watching the news coverage of Ian’s arrest. It’s safe to conclude that the old Frank is back! No more Saint Francis, Ian has lost it, again. Lip can’t stop himself from taking people in, Fiona was bad ass and Kev, V and Svetlana are insane. This was once again, a fantastic season. Shameless has been renewed for a ninth season. I can't wait to see what they have in store for next season. Till next year guys!
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