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In the next scene, Mycroft is watching an old movie which gets interrupted by a message saying "I'm back!". The lights start flickering, so Mycroft gets up to look around the basement and blood starts coming out of the eyes of the pictures on the walls. He thinks Euros is actually in his apartment but apparently it was only Sherlock & John putting up a show to scare him into telling them about Euros. They all go to 221B Baker Street and Mycroft sits on the chair as Sherlock's client. He doesn't want to reveal family secrets with John present but Sherlock insists that John stays.
SHERLOCK: John stays
MYCROFT: It's family!
SHERLOCK: That's why he stays.
Mycroft tells John & Sherlock that Euros was a genius but had a very dark heart as a child. She stole Sherlock's dog Red Beard and refused to tell anyone where she kept him. She was eventually taken away to Sherrinford (a prison designed for people that can't be contained) when she expressed her desires to kill Sherlock. Before Mycroft is able to say more, a drone flies into the apartment playing the song from Sherlock's Dream sequences and carrying a bomb. They realize that it's a motion sensor which can be triggered when it detects movement leaving them only three seconds to exit the apartment. They manage to get out of the apartment and end up on a boat to Sherrinford. The Governor of the prison arrests Watson alongside a bearded fisherman for trespassing; while Sherlock disguises as a prison worker. The fisherman unmasks himself and we see Mycroft while Sherlock, (still disguised) walks away with the Governor's keys. Mycroft starts yelling at the Governor about how he compromised situations with their prisoner, Euros. Sherlock goes to Euros' cell and finds her playing the violin. According to Mycroft, the Holmes sister is so smart that she could brainwash anyone by just talking; so everyone at the prison was warned to stay at least three feet away from her cell. The Governor says it was Mycroft that set her off by bringing her treats; especially with his Christmas gift to Euros a few years ago.
Euros finally stops playing the violin and Sherlock asks her what happened to Red Beard. She asks him to move closer and touch the glass between them. When he does, their hands touch. There's no glass at all! Back at the Governor's office, John realizes that Euros must have brainwashed the Governor after hearing his voice in the video recording. This was true because the Governor didn't waste any time summoning the guards to lock up Mycroft and John. Euros had taken over the prison. The guards even allow her beat up Sherlock for about five minutes before locking him up with John and Mycroft. Sherlock wakes up to a call from the girl on the plane and he realizes that he has to direct her to land the plane safely. Euros gives Sherlock, John and Mycroft a series of tasks with Moriarty's face on the screen saying "tick tock". Moriarty was her Christmas gift from Mycroft and he recorded a series of videos for Euros to taunt Sherlock with.
They are back at the Holmes family house and John is shown in a well, struggling not to drown. Sherlock is trying to save John and the girl on the plane at the same time. John tells Sherlock that he is surrounded by bones which were not actually dog bones. Euros reminds Sherlock that their dad was allergic to dogs and didn't let him have one, Red Beard was actually Sherlock's childhood friend Victor and Euros murdered him by leaving him in that same well she put John in. Euros tells Sherlock that she had no friends and wanted to play with him so she grew jealous and murdered his best friend. Sherlock understands that the girl on the plane wasn't real and only existed in Euros' head. He finds her and they land the imaginary plane. Mycroft & John are also released. Mycroft tells his parents why he hid Euros from them for so many years, Sherlock visits Euros at the prison and plays the violin with her while John puts 221B back together. He and Sherlock find a message from Mary tagged "Miss you". In the message Mary tells them how she knew who they really were all along- "a junkie who solves crimes to get high, and a doctor who never came back from the war.” Even though I really enjoyed watching The Final Problem, I can't help but question Gatiss & Moffats direction. They kept talking about Irene Adler & Sherlock texting, making me think they would expand on that but they didn't. After last week's episode ended, I really looked forward to this episode and even with Euros' (Sian Brooke) amazing acting, I just couldn't understand how a sister gets locked up at a young age because she's too dangerous at a high facility prison in the middle of nowhere but can hypnotize people by just talking to them. Which means, she had been making her plans for more than five years if she's able to get Moriarty to make creepy videos for her. How did she know about Moriarty and Sherlock's relationship? How did she hypnotize every single person working in the Prison? Sherlock, Watson & Mycroft's invasion of the prison is still really confusing. How did they escape the bomb at their apartment without a scratch and what about Mrs Hudson who was upstairs vacuuming? Didn't the explosion get to her apartment? All of a sudden we see the trio on the sea. How did they get there? Euros did all of this because she was lonely and wanted to play with her brother Sherlock? How did she get the money to fund her crazy schemes?
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The experiment with Molly was one of Sherlock's best scenes in The Final Problem. It was filled with so much emotion and the worst part was when Euros told him there was never a bomb in Molly's home. He put himself and Molly through that emotional scene for nothing! Euros is able to escape Sherrinford, make Watson believe she was into him as the girl on the bus, then as his therapist, get Moriarty to make videos, kill several people and was not able to get her brother Sherlock to play with her? The questions are unending with this episode. We expected a confusing plot but this was too muddled up. I actually thought Culverton Smith would become a major villain after Moriarty but that was never the plan. They knew what they were doing when Moriarty stepped out of that plane looking like a crazy person making the fans hyped and thinking he was actually alive only to write "CHRISTMAS DAY, FIVE YEARS AGO". It felt like they ripped off a band aid. Andrew Scott as Moriarty was more of a gift to the fans and seeing him was the best part of the entire episode for me. Maybe they would have made him more than just a cameo.
John's affair with the lady on the bus (who was really Euros), his daughter, Sherlock's drug addiction and health, Irene Adler and Mycroft's relationship with Elizabeth Smallwood are all set aside for this episode which was quite messy but still exciting to watch. In spite of it all, the fourth season had brilliant moments and the show still remained captivating. I really hope they bring back the mystery and thrill from the first and second seasons if they decide to come back in 2018. This episode certainly isn't up to the standard of a series finale and the show will truly be missed if they don't return.
- The opening scene with Sherlock & John scaring Mycroft was quite hilarious to watch. How did they make the paintings bleed?
- I'm still very disappointed that Gatiss & Moffat murdered Moriarty. Wasn't he enough as a villain?
- The best gift to the internet was Moriarty stepping out of the helicopter. I was too hyped when I saw that.
- Sherlock &Mycroft's parents are actually Benedict Cumberbatch's real life parents.
- I just want Gattiss & Moffat to return in 2018 with better episodes. Watching Benedict Cumberbatch & Martin Freeman as Sherlock & Watson has been very entertaining.
- 2018? 2020? 2022? I don't care how long it takes, just come back.
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