A significant moment in the episode was Jon and Dany’s ride on her Dragons. We saw how the Dragons responded to Jon last season. They haven’t responded to anyone like that before. Jon has no idea what that means and he’ll only start to think about all of this now that he knows the truth about his real parents. This is a really sticky situation and I feel bad for Jon because he’s obviously in love with Daenerys and he wants her to be Queen but he has to deal with this news somehow. It was perhaps a good idea for Sam to tell Jon that he was the true heir in this episode because it wouldn’t make any sense waiting any longer. We’ve been waiting for 7 years for this moment and Jon Bradley and Kit Harrington did a great job with that scene.
Many underestimated you. Most of them are dead now
Cersei is up to more schemes and Euron thinks he’s going to put a prince in her. The fact that she’s already planning to murder her brothers is no surprise. It’s only shocking that she’s actually planning to murder Jamie, her one true love.
Sansa and Tyrion’s reunion was something I also looked forward to. There were so many lines in that scene that’ll probably end up being two of my favorites this season. There was something about Sansa in this episode, she looked so regal and beautiful and she's so much smarter than she was in the previous seasons. I would be too after spending time with Cersei and Ramsay, two of the most evil characters in King's Landing. Jamie finally rode north and he was welcomed with a very icy stare from Bran. He almost killed him 7 seasons ago so I’m pretty sure he’s expecting the worst from The Starks. I’m looking forward to what Daenerys would do to him seeing as he was the one who killed The Mad King, her father.
You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met. I like it
`This episode was all about reunions. Jon and Arya, Jon and Bran, Jon and Sam, Sansa and Tyrion and one of my favourites, Jaimie and Bran. Just like the past seasons, episode one was more of a table setting for what’s to come in the next few episodes. This show has been so consistent from season one to seven and the fact that it’ll come to an end in five weeks is something I don’t think I’m ready to accept. The dead are marching south and winter is finally here....
Here's a preview of Episode 2.
Here's a preview of Episode 2.
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