Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson), a loyal agent of America's Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Jason Statham), a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015's Furious 7 and they both became famous for their smack talk and how much they both tried to take each other down. But when a cyber-genetically enhanced villain named Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of a bio-threat that could alter humanity forever, Hobbs and Shaw have no other choice but to form an unlikely alliance to save Shaw’s sister Hattie (Vanessa Kirby) and take Brixton down.
Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham’s chemistry has been undeniable ever since they jumped on the Fast scene and making this film was a great idea but it seemed more like a standalone film than a spin-off. The plot wasn’t exactly spectacular but I wasn’t expecting anything mind blowing so I wasn’t surprised. As expected, there were a lot of over the top action scenes that left me and most of the audience laughing out loud at how ridiculous they were. What took the crown was the leaps that were taken from sky scrapers and the helicopter scene which was super ludicrous. These characters must be made of stone because they smashed into a lot of glass and stood up to continue fighting like nothing happened. I loved the chemistry between Johnson, Statham and Kirby who is in a completely different element compared to The Crown. I couldn’t get enough of the cameos which included Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Hart. The cinematography was good especially the scenes of Samoa and the fight scenes were quite entertaining and very well choreographed. Hobbs and Shaw lacked depth but it was way entertaining I thought it would be.
RATING 6.5/10
GENRE Action
DIRECTOR David Leitch
STARRING Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba, Vanessa Kirby
RELEASE DATE August 2nd, 2019
RUNNING TIME 2hrs 15mins
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